This magnum opus took ten years to complete. 这部巨著历时十年始告成。
His most innovative work has been through various forms of social media, in what might be called a continuing digital version of performance art. ( A book of his blog posts, published in 2011, remains his magnum opus.) 他最有创意的作品是通过各种形式的社交媒体呈现,可以被称为一种不间断的数码形式的行为艺术(2011年出版的一本关于他的博客帖子的书仍是他的代表作)。
Now she has completed what looks to me like her magnum opus. 现在她已完成在我看来像是她最杰出的作品。
The262 volume of Encyclopedia for the five rituals written by Huitian Qin in Qing dynasty is a magnum opus which study the ancient ritual of China. 清秦蕙田的《五礼通考》262卷,是一部研究中国古代礼学的集大成之作。
As a magnum opus of Liang Shiqiu, the work Yashe Essays has a very strong fascinating power and its artistry is out of the ordinary, according to its rich materials and a unique field of vision. 《雅舍小品》作为梁实秋的散文代表作,题材丰富,视角独特,具有很强的艺术性和感染力。
He spent overall twenty years in editing the magnum opus. 他花了整整二十年编辑那部巨着。
The first surge of Tai Xuan study appeared in the era of Three Kingdoms, and facilitated the formation and development of Wei-Jin Metaphysics, with Fan Wang's work on Tai Xuan as the magnum opus. 汉末三国时期,《太玄》研究形成第一次高潮,推动和促进了魏晋玄学的形成和发展。晋范望《太玄解赞》成为象数学的代表之作。
It is a magnum opus painting that takes ox as the theme in Chinese art history. 五牛图卷是中国美术史上以牛为题材的绘画代表作品。
A great novelist or non-fiction writer who dies at28 may not have yet produced her or his magnum opus. 如果一位伟大的小说家或非虚构作家在28岁去世,那他或她可能还没有写出自己的代表作。
Besides, he became the first person to preach the Magnum Opus Guidance to Dzogchen Preliminary Practice-Teachings by Guru Puxian in public on TV. 在电视上首次公开宣讲整部《大圆满前行引导文-普贤上师言教》等。
The programme got favorable comments from the leaders of the country and the experts. It's a magnum opus of historic significance which is worth appreciating and collecting. 此片深受国家领导和专家的一致好评,是一部具有极高欣赏价值和收藏价值的文学艺术巨片和历史经典。
"A General Reflection for Political Administration" is a magnum opus in Chinese historiography. 《资治通鉴》是中国史学上的一部鸿篇巨著。
Poletaia is usually considered as one of the most important dialogues belonging to Plato, in this magnum opus, education is his central theme. 《国家篇》被公认为是柏拉图中期对话篇中的重要著作之一,在其中他用大量篇幅谈论和阐发了其独特的教育思想。
There is little point in doing that when a quick check on the Internet could have set your mind at rest that your magnum opus really was yours. 如果在互联网上快速搜索一下就可以放心地发现自己的大作的确实至名归,那么那种做法也就没有什么意义了。
British writer Graham Greenes The Quiet American is the magnum opus of his political novels. 格林的《文静的美国人》是他政治小说的代表作。
Li Lei chinese avant-courier poet present his own magnum opus of poesy – rock-and-roll with photography by Must Be contemporary art center for the first time. 中国先锋诗人李磊将自己的诗歌代表作–摇滚首次以摄影的方式由玛斯德比当代艺术中心推出。
His magnum opus, Don Quixote de la Mancha, is considered by many to be not only the first modern novel, but also one of the greatest works in Western literature. 他的巨著《堂吉诃德》被认为是第一部现代小说,也是西方文学中最为重要的作品之一。
The magnum opus of the former is The Book of Odes, which revealed the freedom and humanize. 前一阶段以《诗经》为代表,体现了早期自由奔放的人性化文化精神;
This is my magnum opus. 这是我的伟大作品。
Another magnum opus "ancient musical sound spring sound" its draw materials on mountains and rivers, he of hometown, the massif is in picturesque disorder, the full strange stone and spectacular rocky peak of step, seem solid and dangerously steep, simple naturally. 其另一副力作《古韵泉声》则取材于他家乡的山山水水,山体错落有致,步满奇石怪石,显得坚实险峻,但有质朴自然。
Karl Marx's magnum opus "The Capital" includes abundant ideas of human capital. 马克思的巨著《资本论》中的有关理论包涵着丰富的人力资本思想。
As the magnum opus of the naturalism drama, The Weavers of Hauptmann is, from the point of view of the drama and stage, a turn in the theatre history. 作为自然主义戏剧的代表作,豪普特曼的《织工》从文本和舞台的角度标志着戏剧史的转折。
His nouvelle Red Broomcorn have been looked as the ending of seeking root literature, as well as vital origin and magnum opus of neo-historical novel. 莫言的中篇小说《红高粱》既被视为寻根文学的终结,也被视为新历史小说的重要起源和代表作品。
The glamour of English literature and the wit and humour of orient culture formed this world-famous magnum opus of literature together. 英语文学的魅力与东方文化情致共同铸造了这部蜚声世界的文学巨著。
Fuller's magnum opus& The Morality of Law has been regarded as the fullest and deepest classic book. 富勒的代表作&《法律的道德性》是迄今为止最为全面以及最为深刻的法律程序理论著作。
Coenobite is the magnum opus of Marsh Lewis who lived in England in the late 18th century. 《修道士》是18世纪末英国著名哥特式小说家马修·刘易斯的代表作。
His magnum opus, Anarchy, state and utopia, is praised as one of the most important contemporary politics philosophy works by west thinkers. 他的代表作&《无政府、国家与乌托邦》被西方思想界誉为当代政治哲学最重要的著作之一。
One of her works Lose City is a typical magnum opus, depainting the large concussion to hongkong people and Englishmen because of the affaire of "lose city", so that Hongkong consciousness achieves its climax. 其作品《失城》就是典型的代表作,描写了失城这一事件对于港人和英国人带来的巨大冲击,香港意识由此达到高潮。
The Glass Menagerie is also a typical magnum opus of expressionism. 此外,《玻璃动物园》也是表现主义的经典作品。
It is not only the magnum opus in our literary history, and also the important historical data of the study of society and culture in early Qin Dynasty. 它不仅是我国文学史上的辉煌巨著,同时也是研究先秦时期社会与文化的重要史料。